Here is a tram with interior and some animations for the doors and the pantograph which I created at work for a visualization project.
The Sektchfab overview shows the textured tramcars and some examples of how they can be combined.
Tram RNV8 (Overview)
An overview of the textured tramcars and some examples of how they can be combined.
Tram RNV8 (WIP-1)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-2)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-3)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-4)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-5)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-6)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-7)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-8)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-9)
Tram RNV8 (WIP-10)
RNV8 Tram (WIP-11)
RNV8 Tram (WIP-12)
Tram RNV8 (Final Version)
Tram RNV8