Here is an animated space station scene I made 2016 for a Sketchfab VR Showcase ( ).
All models had to be low-poly as possible to make it run well as possible in VR. I added some tests and all work and progress scenes here. It was fun creating this.
The blend file of this scene can be downloaded here:
Space station scene HD (Final Version)
Space station scene HD (Final Version)
Test in Marmoset Toolbag 3
Space station quick 3d sketch (Wip 0)
Space station scene Wip 1
Space station scene Wip 2 (Test)
Star fighter texture test
Gun tower testing the textures and animaitons.
Gun tower testing the textures and animaitons. Video
Spacestation Scene Wip 3 (Test)
Space station scene Wip 4 (Test)
Space station scene Wip 5 (Test)
Space station scene Wip 6 (Test)
Space station scene texture test
Space station Scene Wip 7 (Test)
The last one!
Railings texture test
InfoBot texture test
Space station Texture Test Out Side
Column texture test
Space station scene (LD)
scene wiht low texture resolution.